Friday, 12th May 2017

Ten ways to remember a loved one in years to come

If you have lost a loved one, given them a fitting send off, and grieved for them, then you may be ready to consider ways in which you can honour their memory and remember them in years to come. There are many beautiful ways that this can be done – so choose the way/s that you feel best reflect your loved one and will mean the most to you.

We have selected ten ideas that we hope give you some inspiration, comfort and peace.

1) The final resting place

If the deceased has been buried or cremated, making their final resting place somewhere peaceful that you can visit to remember your time together can be comforting. A fitting headstone for their grave or a plaque where you scattered their ashes are just two of the ways you can create a special place to remember your loved one.

2) Memorial trees

Often people opt to plant a tree in honour of their loved one. It can be comforting to nurture the tree, watching it grow and flourish over years to come. You don’t have to choose something as large as tree, you could decide to plant something like a rose. Roses have names, so there may be an appropriate choice that seems perfectly fitting.

3) Photographs

Often photographs end up tucked in a box or hidden away in a sideboard. It can be therapeutic to reflect on pictures of your loved one and spend time creating a beautiful album, scrap book or framed tribute. As well as a great end result, the process itself can be informative, enjoyable and help with the grieving process.

4) Ashes into glass

A stunning way to memorialise your loved one is to have a small amount of their ashes crafted into a piece of jewelry. There are many companies that now offer this service and the choices of what you can create are vast. Necklaces, rings and earrings – you can personalise your item of jewelry by style, colour and even add engraving. This really is a wonderful way to keep your loved one’s memory close to you at all times.

5) Locket

If your loved one wasn’t cremated or you don’t wish to use their ashes in a piece of jewelry, you could purchase a locket in their memory, placing pictures inside to provide something to reflect upon when you feel you need it. Again, this item of jewelry could be engraved and offers something that can be passed down to future generations.

6) Memorial bench

A memorial bench, whether it’s in the privacy of your own property or somewhere public for others to enjoy, can be a fitting way to honour to a loved one. Adding a plaque with information about their life or some appropriate wording can be a nice touch too. A bench or seat provides somewhere to sit and take a moment to think about the deceased. If it’s placed somewhere public, it can be heartwarming to see others reading the plaque and using the seat, showing you that your loved one is not forgotten.

7) Candle holders

The lighting of a candle to remember someone is a common tribute, often carried out in church. However, you can purchase (or make) personalised candleholders, giving you something to have on display at home. You may wish to light a candle often, or only on special dates such as the deceased’s birthday or anniversary of their death, but a personalised holder adds an extra something special to honour the departed.

8) Name a star

If we choose to think of our loved ones in heaven, looking up to the sky when remembering them can be reassuring. Naming a star in their memory can therefore add something special to those times when you look to the skies and reflect on your memories.

9) Framing a memory

Framing an item or belonging that meant a lot to your loved one or depicts their life is a great way to honour their memory. Maybe they have war medals that you are proud of and should be on display, or they had a hobby that always makes you think of them… Think about which special items you could frame…Chess pieces, a gardening trowel, a piece of sheet music or musical instrument…. Whatever makes you think fondly of the departed is the right choice.

10) Giving something back

Our final suggestion is a big one… If you lost your loved through illness or tragedy, you may be driven to form a charity or run some fundraising events to help others facing a similar situation as your family. This could be an annual event or an ongoing charity. Whilst this idea is time consuming and takes a lot of organisation, if done in honour of your loved one, it can be a fantastic way to keep their memory alive and do something positive that others can be involved with at the same time.

If you have only recently lost a loved one and are not yet ready to consider these ideas, but want to give them a fitting and memorable send off, then Greenfield Coffins can assist with support and guidance regarding a personalised coffin. Our understanding team can provide you with all the information you need, should you decide that a pictorial coffin would be the right way to celebrate the life of the departed.

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