Self Decorated Coffin
Wednesday, 20th June 2012

Families self decorate coffin

Dear Greenfield Creations,

I am sending you a quick note to say thank you for your excellent service. The eco-coffin arrived as you had said late on Tuesday and today my daughter and I are sending you a few initial pics from my phone of the handiwork, which if at some point you want to use (we can send better ones later), then it may help other people think of a different ways you can make an eco-coffin so personal.

My daughter who is 17, my niece and myself found it a very special time doing this, talking and listening to music, sharing memories. etc. I feel my daughter especially can be very proud of what she did and we did feel it was very calming and therapeutic. We all thought it was a great idea, thank you.

The cremation and thanksgiving services will be on Monday. I am sure the rest of the family, some of whom are having to travel some distance, will be surprised and pleased at this idea.

Thank you again,

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